Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early

The Definition and Cause Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early

Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early
Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early is same with men actually. However, liver cancer cases are twice higher in men than women. Liver cancer happens in 50 years old people. Actually, Liver cancer is cancer cell that attack other organ and then also attack liver organ too. Liver cancer is type of metastasis disease. Metastasis is disease that happens because infected by another disease. The hepatitis patient is susceptible to liver cancer disease. Because hepatitis patient have trouble in liver organ which can easily contaminated with cancer disease. Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women and man are pain in the right above stomach, swelling stomach, decreasing appetite and feel full on stomach, weight lose without clear reason, eye ball turn yellow, urine with dark color, nausea and throw up, feel really exhausted. Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women and man also can occur when people suffer hepatitis disease. If the symptoms are felt please go check it to the hospital as soon as possible.
Liver Cancer Symptoms in Woman and man can occur not only because of cancer disease. It can occur as the sign from abnormal liver. The abnormal liver status will lead to the liver cancer if not handle with care from the beginning. Because liver cancer is one kind of metastasis disease, it is need to realize that suffering other disease can also lead to get liver cancer. Liver cancer has many types. The type of the liver cancer depends on places attacked on. Based on the places, liver cancer differs to four types. There are hepatocellular carcinoma is usually suffer by hepatitis C patient, Cholangiocarcinomas is cancer that attack bile line, angiosarcomas is cancer that attack blood tube in liver, hepatoblastoma is cancer that rarely occur.  Hepatoblastoma happen on toddler and have 99% success rate to cure when diagnosed in first stadium.

The preventing Solution from Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early

After knowing about the liver cancer definition and type, it will be shown the preventing solution from having Liver Cancer Symptoms in Woman and men. As the results from the researches, liver cancer occurs because of many factors. The factors that make liver cancer are men have more risk to suffer liver cancer than women, overweight body will easily infected with liver cancer, Asian and Oceania people suffer more liver cancer cases than others, the fatal usage of steroid anabolic to gain muscle. After knowing the factors that can trigger the growth of liver cancer, it is hoped that people can prevent their health from liver cancer suffering.

The medical treatment to Cure Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early

The medical to cure liver cancer after it is positively diagnosed as liver Cancer Symptoms in Women and man diseases are using the same method as other cancer. The medical will be chosen one of the methods such as surgery and chemotherapy. The surgery method will be chosen if the diagnostic show the liver cancer disease is still in safe stadium. When the stadium of the liver cancer is not safe anymore in surgery method, it is used last chance in chemotherapy.
In using surgery method, there is differ on stadium of the cancer itself. The low stadium can be used surgery method because of first stadium liver cancer is still in local status and not attack another part yet. It is also the same with the second stadium with first stadium. However, start from third stadium until fourth stadium are very risk if use surgery method. The third stadium liver cancer has growth approximately 2 centimeter. And for fourth stadium the liver cancer has attacked all the liver system. The fourth stadium liver cancer is very hard to handle. The survival percentage of fourth stadium liver cancer is very low. That is how people have to check if they feel Liver Cancer Symptoms in Women Early and men earlier.

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